Cube Highways Hackathon

2429 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4
2429 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4

This campaign is over.

Ideation Phase
starts on:
Jan 22, 2021, 04:30 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Mar 01, 2021, 07:30 AM UTC (UTC)
Prototype phase
starts on:
Mar 20, 2021, 03:30 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Mar 21, 2021, 03:30 AM UTC (UTC)


enter image description here

In India, there has been an increase in intercity travels by private cars to avoid public transportation since the COVID-19 pandemic happened. We both NEC Corporation India and Mitsubishi Corporation India (both are one of the leading Japanese corporates in the world) are aggressively devoting our effort to solve Indian social problems and demands too.

As there are increasing in intercity travels by private cars in India, we would like to hold hackathon and develop ideas and solution which can cater to Indian people needs with collaboration with our partner Cube Highways. Cube Highways is one of India’s largest institutional investors and operators of toll roads (Highways) in India with the advanced technology from Japan and so on for the appropriate maintenance of the highway from the point of view of road condition, the density of traffic, and driving speeds to ensure the safety and efficiency of driving on highways. It owns and operates more than 1,700 lane-kilometers of highways in India. Not only operating highway, but it provides services which are called Cube Stop. Cube Stop provides services such as rest areas where drivers can take a refreshing and delightful break. We are here to provide leaving our customers energized for the rest of their journey.

Through this hackathon, we would love to engage developers, marketer, business developers who can create ideas and solutions which can cater user’ demand!

To know more about Important points, the eligibility and submission criteria, click here.

Photo: Cube Stop, inside Cube Stop, and highway

Regarding IP

The developer(s) of the solution will have all rights and own the background IPs, i.e. IPs which were developed by the teams prior to the hackathon. In case there is/are idea(s) which can move forward to the PoC with the organizer, the IP condition would need to be discussed with team(s).

Webinar (Will update soon!)

We would proceed with Webinar to explain our vision, hackathon's objectives, and desired ideas on the week of 8th Feb (Date and Time will be finalized and then send email to all registered people, so please register at first!).


We are looking forward to seeing ideas & solutions based on the following theme. Ideas and solutions should be based on technologies. You are required to submit your solution idea in the form of a Power Point or PPT Presentation.

To know more detail about submission & how to build your idea/solution for the hackathon, please click here.

Cube Highways’ Wayside Amenities (WSAs)

Value-adding and diversifying Cube Highways’ Wayside Amenities (WSAs), Cube Stop, to enhance the safety, security, and convenience of highways/expressways.

Prizes INR 180,000 in prizes

Main Prizes
First Prize
INR 100,000
Second Prize
INR 50,000
Third Prize
INR 30,000
Special Prizes
Opportunity to proceed with PoC (Proof of Concept)

If the winner’s deliverable is a feasible business for Cube Highways.

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Please contact event admin
masanori yamamoto at
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